Status decision in process without review. I submitted my paper to an Elsevier journal 5 weeks ago.

Status decision in process without review. The Editors have begun a decision in the system.

Status decision in process without review e. ’ May 31, 2022 · Does decision in process mean rejection? If the status of your paper has changed to “decision in process” without first changing to “under review”, it possibly means that the journal editor is yet to make a decision about whether or not to send the paper for review. However, since it's been only a week since submission, I doubt that the paper has been through peer review. This often, but not always, changes the status. ” Once the additional review is completed, the status will return to “Required Reviews Complete. IEEE Access strives to maintain an expedited peer review process of only 4 to 6 weeks, however, all article submissions still undergo a thorough peer review process to ensure only high-quality articles are published. However, as we believe, one shouldn’t read too much into status updates, also because the final decision – indicated by the ‘Decision in Process’ status – is Oct 24, 2020 · I noticed that the status of my paper changed immediately to ‘Awaiting AE Recommendation’ without being ‘Under Review. “In process” means “in process”. Jun 30, 2022 · I submitted a paper to IEEE Transactions. This senior editor reviews the manuscript against our publication criteria and determines whether to reject or send it on to an Associate Editor for further review. ” Decision in Process: This means that the editor is now determining a decision based on the peer reviewer's comments and their own assessment. Now, ‘Decision in process’ means that the AE has made a decision on the manuscript and has communicated this decision to the Editor-in-Chief (EiC), who will make the final decision on the manuscript. Under review: The paper is with reviewers for comment or waiting for the Action Editor’s decision. Oct 20, 2020 · As it’s a journal by T&F, which is a big publisher, the decision in case of a scope mismatch may be to ask you to submit to some other journal with them. Stages of Peer Review Stages of Peer Review from Submission to Accept/Reject Decision. On 07/05/2020, the status changed to 'With Editor,' and on 16/05/2020, it changed to 'Decision in Process,' without passing through the 'Under Review' status. Two days later, it changed to “EO: XX Status is Under Review. On their website, they mention that decisions on acceptance or otherwise are taken quickly normally within a month of receipt of the paper. Mar 25, 2023 · On this forum I frequently read that the editor-in-chief would usually not overrule / outvote his associate editors. 2 Weeks after getting my manuscript number. Please see our guidelines for initial submission to make sure that you provide us with all Jul 30, 2021 · Hi! I've got a submission that underwent major and then minor revision and was resubmitted. It took one year to complete the review process. At this stage, when the journal decision is in process, the editor will review the revised manuscript and your responses to the reviewers’ comments before making a decision. May 14, 2015 · This status implies that the referee have submitted his/her report. What does this status mean? Thanks in advance. Jun 30, 2022 · After submitting a paper to IEEE Transactions, the status was "AE: Not Assigned; ADM: ***; Submitted" for six weeks, but now it has changed to "AE: Not Assigned; ADM: ***; In Peer Review". " Does this indicate rejection? This status “Decision in process” after “Under review” means such all the reviews will come in and the article board Thank you for the information Profs. Two weeks have been passed but still the status is required reviews completed. However, based on the journal, ‘DE’ can stand for either ‘Deputy Editor’ or ‘Department Editor. After 5 weeks it's now decision in Dec 5, 2019 · When the status changed to “Decision in Process”, it meant that based on the peer review, the handling editor had made a decision on the manuscript. Jul 29, 2019 · The status “Decision in process” after “Under review” means that all the reviews have come in and the editor is evaluating your paper based on the reviewer’s comments. Jan 6, 2023 · Decision in Process: 편집자가 심사자의 의견을 바탕으로 논문의 게재 여부를 결정 중인 상태. Decision made – notification imminent: The Action Editor has May 8, 2020 · The Editor-in-Chief (EiC) is yet to make their decision, which might well be more positive. If your manuscript has been in this stage for over three weeks, it's natural to feel a bit on edge. If required, the editor Jun 10, 2020 · Answer: Hi Abhishek – welcome to the forum! Straight off, I understand your concern. The submission status has not changed since the last 3 weeks. In itself it is meaningless, maybe a longer time in status might signal a positive outcome. Feb 27, 2018 · Most journals normally take 4-8 weeks to review manuscripts. Revise: 편집자가 투고자에게 수정을 요구한 상태. Apr 6, 2019 · If the editor decided not to send the manuscript out for peer review, then the decision is almost certainly a desk rejection. You'll see this status at the start and end of the review cycle. " I checked the status recently and it has changed to "awaiting final decision. " Thus a direct change from "Editor Assigned to "Decision in process" usually indicates a desk rejection. Mar 14, 2015 · The status "Evaluating recommendation" indicates that the reviews for your paper are complete and the Associate Editor (AE) is evaluating the reviewer suggestions to arrive at a decision about your paper. ” When the decision is final, authors will receive the notification by email and see the decision term in the submission system. Since, the decision was major revisions and without Dec 8, 2021 · The journal’s editorial assistant will check that the manuscript and associated materials are complete. Feb 25, 2020 · Manuscript statuses vary from journal to journal. As of today, it says "Awaiting Recommendation". If you have questions at any stage in the process, Jun 26, 2019 · A desk rejection does not involve the often lengthy peer review process and therefore the decision is taken faster. In this step, the editor carefully evaluates all the comments by the peer-reviewers and examines the manuscript. Does this indicate a rejection? Apr 28, 2019 · The question presupposes that the behavior of such an editorial system has a meaning. For the first week of submission, the status was "with editor" and then it changed to under review for one week, then reviewers asigned Feb 4, 2022 · I sent an inquiry email and they said the manuscript is undergoing the peer review process normally. 26 Under review, reviewer status shows 2+ 7. Yesterday after 10 days, I checked the status again and saw that it had changed to "Decision in process". IEEE Access has a typical acceptance rate of about 30%, which is Nov 24, 2017 · I submitted a manuscript and it became “Under Review” in 3 days, then changed to “Ready for Decision” in 10 days, but returned to “Under Review” the next day. Apr 18, 2021 · Editor decided to make a decision before all the reviews have arrived. Decision in Process: This means that the editor Sep 6, 2016 · A month is not a considerable time for review and final decision for reputable journals. The Associate Editor is usually a member of the PLOS Sustainability and Transformation Editorial Board, but occasionally a Oct 31, 2017 · decision without allocating reviewers. Even if it's rejection, you can always revise and submit to another journal. Some examples include “editor assigned” “reviewers invited” “under review” May 10, 2024 · I submitted my manuscript to Talyor Francis and it went to “Decision Pending” directly after the “With Journal What does the "re-review" mean What does it mean that the status of a submitted major revision is simultaneously 'awaiting reviewer scores' and 'awaiting decision'? 0. May 1, 2020 · Your knowledge of status updates as well as your powers of deduction and analysis are quite noteworthy. Dec 14, 2020 · I had sent a paper to Elsevier. Jul 15, 2019 · For 1 month, the status was "awaiting admin processing. ” May 29, 2020 · My manuscript's status changed from 'With Editor' directly to 'Decision in Process' in a week, and it has remained so for over two weeks. All the best! Related reading: Does a direct 'Decision in Process' status indicate rejection? Can the status change to "Decision in process" without a request for revisions? Nov 13, 2018 · Then I revised and sent it back. 22. While you have mentioned that your paper's status is "in process," the background you've provided likely suggests that your status means the same as the "decision in process" status. For three weeks, the status had been "AE: Not Assigned; ADM: *****; Submitted". You have not mentioned whether your paper has been through any other status before this. 2017년 1월 18일에 심사 상태가 “Under Editor Evaluation(편집자 검토 중)”으로 바뀌었고, 같은 달 22일에 “Decision in Process(심사 결정 중)”로 변경되었습니다. It has been 3 weeks that the paper status stuck at decision in process. This could be for all sorts of reasons, e. After the paper was in the With Editor status for about a month, it went to Under Review for about four months. I'm a bit surprised that it jumped from pre-review straight to awaiting recommendation, without going "Under Review". So, you should wait for the next update, without either dashing your hopes completely or raising them entirely, that is, by maintaining a balance. Delays can occur, especially during busy times or when complex issues arise. In any After completing internal checks, each new submission is assigned to a Section Editor. Required Reviews Complete: This status indicates that all the peer reviews have been completed and received by the editorial office. Three weeks later, the status has changed to Decision in Process. 3 weeks and it is over two weeks now. " On the other hand, if the paper is likely to be desk-rejected, the status changes to "Decision in process. If you are unable to access YouTube, you may watch this video on Bilibili (Chinese video sharing website). On the positive side, it changed to ‘Under Review’ rather than directly to ‘Decision in Process. Whatever it is, you should be informed of the decision soon. The “Decision in process” status comes into the picture when the final decision is to be taken by the chief editor/editor-in-chief of the journal. This manuscript status usually lasts around 1–2 business days. The handling editor then looks into it and make the next step: revise/final decision/reject. Aug 6, 2016 · So, do not be surprised if this happens: once the additional review is completed, the status will come back to “Required Reviews Complete. Oct 14, 2014 · 6. From submission to final decision or publication, one dedicated MDPI staff member coordinates the review process and serves as the main point of contact for authors, academic editors, and reviewers. May 10, 2020 · It’s a quality publisher and the status has been ‘With Editor’ for two weeks. Sep 19, 2017 · If the status date changes, but the status remains the same, it indicates that the editor has accessed the database to check your manuscript. In a performance review, evaluating an employee’s decision-making abilities is important in determining their overall effectiveness and growth potential. It means the ability to assess situations, weigh pros and cons, and select the most appropriate course of action. ” 7. The decision may need to be Mar 26, 2020 · Coming to your query, Decision in Process typically means that the associate editor (AE) has gone through the peer review comments, arrived at a decision on the manuscript based on the comments, and then conveyed 3 days ago · The “decision in process” status means that the editor is finally deciding on whether they will publish your paper or not based on their own review or a peer review. Now, the status has changed to "AE: Not Assigned; ADM: *****; In Peer Review". The status consequently changed and was "Decision in process" for 3 days, when right after it changed to "With editor". All the best for the next update! Jun 18, 2022 · Hi, I submitted a manuscript to a journal about a week ago (via ScholarOne). For example, journals can configure status changes that give authors transparency into various stages within the review process that the submission will move through. ” I wonder if my manuscript was rejected by the journal editor directly without going through peer review? Jun 29, 2021 · My manuscript was submitted on the 15th of June and the status was "out for review". With “decision in process” I have gotten both revisions and rejections. As it’s happening before peer review, it Jan 12, 2024 · Once the reviews are back (and that can be fast! some journals ask for 7 days from reviewers) then the editor will read the feedback from the reviewers and be in the process of making a Oct 1, 2024 · When the Editors begin to enter a decision it will move the status to 'Decision in Process'. The “decision in process” only lasts a few days Nov 7, 2019 · Normally, a direct change from "With editor" to "Decision in process" implies a desk rejection. ’ Checking the status of your manuscript and helps to reinforce the validity of your research by displaying the thoroughness of the peer review process it has undergone. Mar 13, 2022 · The status reviews completed was for one week and then it changed to with editor again for last 10 What does it mean to go directly from "under review" to "decision in process"? Discussion. The status, "Awaiting Reviewer Selection" indicates that the preliminary checks have been completed and that the manuscript is now ready to be sent to the select reviewers and will be sent once Mar 10, 2018 · I submitted a manuscript to a journal on September. Read this article to understand peer review and editorial decision-making process in detail. After two days it became “Ready for Decision,” but again changed to “Under Review”the next day. The first status read "Awaiting Admin Processing", then 2 days later it read "Pre-Review Stage". It is difficult to tell why exactly the status of your manuscript changed as you haven’t mentioned any previous status changes. To turn them on, please click on the gear icon at the bottom of the video player and select your preferred language. 수정 요청이 들어올 줄 알았는데, 곧바로 “Decision in Process”로 바뀌었다는 건 논문이 거절될 Jun 8, 2023 · Hi, We have submitted our manuscript to an Elsevier journal and it came back with major revision. 1 year wasted for nothing. I thought it is a desk rejection but shouldn’t the decision have been sent already? Why is it taking all that time to inform the corresponding author of the editor’s decision? Could I have Oct 10, 2019 · I have submitted my article 3 months ago and I did not receive any revision. ' Jan 25, 2017 · I submitted a paper to Elsevier on Oct. May 16, 2023 · It is common for the peer review status of a manuscript to change several times before a final decision is reached by the editor. At this stage, the editor would access your manuscript to check the reviewer comments or have another final look at the paper itself before making a decision. On December 1, it turned to ‘Decision in Process,’ but has been stuck at this stage for nearly six/seven weeks. With very rare exceptions, the rest will receive a decision letter somewhere in that gray zone calling for revision and resubmission [7, 10, 11, 14,15,16,17]. The “decision in process” only lasts a few days to a week. 5월 28일 원고는 ‘Under review’였고 이후 8월 29일에는 ‘Under editor evaluation’이었습니다. I witnessed it many times that the "decision in process" status did not change for weeks. Dec 11, 2015 · A manuscript can receive any of the following decisions: Accept Reject; Resubmit with major revisions; Resubmit with minor revisions Thus, it's not just an acceptance or rejection decision that is taken by the editor after peer review; even revise and resubmit decisions come within the scope of editorial decisions. In my case, I got this status two times. On Jan 5, it turned again to 'Decision in Process' and now it is still stuck at this stage for nearly 2 weeks. “Decision in Process” is also a way for the handling editor to communicate their decision to the Editor-in-Chief (EiC), who makes the final decision on the manuscript. 6. This status means that peer reviewers have finished their review and sent their reports to the chief editor/editor-in-chief, but the final decision has not yet been issued. If you have questions at any stage in the process, Jul 12, 2022 · Dear Author, Let’s not assume the worst-case scenario. Please what means ''with editor''. The status reviews completed was for one week and then it changed to with editor again for Sep 1, 2022 · Does decision in process mean rejection? If the status of your paper has changed to “decision in process” without first changing to “under review”, it possibly means that the journal editor is yet to make a decision about whether or not to send the paper for review. Jan 29, 2018 · Rejection without peer review is known as desk rejection. One week after submission the status of the paper changed from "Waiting assignment" to "In review . Contact. In Elsevier, particularly, before this happens, the status of the article shows Decision in Process. It did not go for peer review. " Aug 3, 2023 · In the context of the journal review process, the status "Decision Rescinded" typically indicates that a previous decision made on a manuscript has been reversed or withdrawn by the editor or journal. After one month, it still showed that it was with the editor, but with a different status date. Thus, I'd wait for the decision to arrive in a couple of weeks. It can be in the interview phase, or in the decision phase, or in offer-review phase they are waiting for the response. I feel like it's going to be rejected soon. I'm not sure if the "Under review" status refers to an external or an internal review. Arenas. At the fist time, the handling editor required to revise the manuscript. While the Academic Editor is entering the decision, authors may see the status “Decision in Process. If the initial reviews are conflicting, the Action Editor may occasionally decide to approach an additional reviewer. Sep 23, 2019 · If however, the paper has been showing the status "Under review" from the time of submission, without any other status change, then it could mean that your paper is still under the initial admin check by the journal and has not yet been assigned to an Editor or reviewer. the status moves when 2 reviews have arrived, but only one reviewer submitted a review and the editor's making a decision anyway. However, if your paper was "With editor" and then "Decision in process" without "Under review," it might be a situation that, the AE does not think your paper is not enough qualified to be reviewed. 18, 2017, and then “Decision in Process” on Jan. I have submitted a review to Elsevier journal. 21, 2016. Jan 3, 2023 · The process is progressing at a reasonable pace considering that the peer review process began on OCT 28. Later, on August 29, it was ‘Under editor evaluation’. Mar 15, 2016 · The previous part of this series of posts details the process by which an Associate Editor (AE) selects reviewers and sends out a manuscript for peer review. This time is Jan 18, 2016 · I have submitted one study to an Elsevier journal around the end of November. The status shows "With editor" when a manuscript is going through the initial editorial screening. The status reviews completed was for one week and then it changed to with editor again for In Elsevier, particularly, before this happens, the status of the article shows Decision in Process. the status moves when 2 reviews have arrived, but only one Apr 28, 2019 · I submitted a paper to Journal of comparative physiology-B. Other more rare outcomes are possible, though: they could issue a "reject and resubmit" if they think the paper would be a good Apr 29, 2021 · If the status of your paper has changed to "decision in process" without first changing to "under review", it possibly means that the journal editor is yet to make a decision Sep 11, 2020 · To get to your query straight away, the ‘Decision in Process’ means that the Editor-in-Chief (EIC) is making a decision on the manuscript. Based on the details you have provided, it does seem to be a no-go decision from this reviewer. The process is single-blind for most journals, meaning that the author does not know the identity of the reviewer, but the reviewer knows the identity of the author. I have submitted a math paper to an Elsevier journal. Then, the status changed to Required Reviews Completed. Five days after submission, it showed that it was with the editor. I had e-mailed the journal manager enquiring about the "with editor " status. e around two months from the submission date, I got a mail stating "I have received all the required reviews, which I will now evaluate before making a decision" and the status changed to "Ready for Decision". After going through the reviewers’ comments, the editor will make a decision about your manuscript. After being two months under review, the status changed to decision in process without asking for a revision. The “decision in process” status means that the editor is finally deciding on whether they will publish your paper or not based on their own review or a peer review. Considering this, I would like to know what factors often delay the final decision on a manuscript. In such cases, the status might go back to “Under Review. Now, the status is 'Awaiting EiC Decision. Feb 28, 2022 · The status reviews completed was for one week and then it changed to with editor again for In Elsevier, particularly, before this happens, the status of the article shows Decision in Process. 2016년 10월 21일 «Elsevier»에 논문을 제출했습니다. , out of scope, AFTER 1 YEAR of reviews and revisions. Here’s an earlier query along similar lines: Does a direct 'Decision in Process' status indicate rejection? Mar 27, 2019 · If the paper clears the initial editorial screening, the status changes to "Assigning reviewers" or "Reviewers invited. The status was ‘Under review’ for a week. I wonder whether . " Does all indicate rejection? The status “Decision in process” after “Under review” means that all the reviews do come in and the editorial board is review the reviewer’s comments. TMI allows reviewers three weeks – may be extended per request – to Jul 24, 2018 · I submitted my manuscript via the ScholarOne system. I am confused whether it would be too early to contact the editor about the status of the paper. Etc. Feb 12, 2021 · For insights into peer review and journal decision-making that may help address any remaining worries, you may wish to go through the following articles: Peer review process and editorial decision making at journals; How a journal editor reaches a decision on a manuscript after peer review; Hope that helps. This is generally the status that follows “received. But our paper status is Technical Check In Progress. Nov 16, 2024 · Thank you very much for the answer. Without knowing the exact journal you have submitted to, it would not be possible to say exactly what the status means. Each reviewer connected to the submission is listed, followed by each assigned editor, and then by the corresponding author. Dec 23, 2021 · The status date changes whenever someone does something to the paper. In this post, I will detail the sequence of events that lead from peer review to editorial decision making: how the AE procures the completed reviews, how he weighs the reviews, and finally comes to a decision I have submitted my paper to one of the springer journal. But if the status changes to “Decision in process” right after the initial screening, then it unfortunately means that the manuscript will be desk-rejected. Granting that presupposition, my first guess is that the editor got the reviewers' reports and was about to make a decision ("decision in process") but then noticed that something was unclear in one of the reports and asked the reviewer for a clearer report ("under review"). Does this manuscript status Apr 11, 2019 · The “decision in process” status indicates that the editorial board is in the process of making the final decision about your paper. The status "Awaiting AE assignment" implies that an editor will be assigned to handle the correspondence of your submitted manuscript. If you have questions at any stage in the process, Jan 18, 2020 · Based on these factors, the AE will decide whether or not to send the manuscript for peer review. For papers accepted after minor revision, the revised papers are often published without another full process of peer review. Sometimes, the editor, after going through the reviews, might feel that an additional review is required. Why is that? Sep 23, 2023 · Although we hope that the peer review files will provide a detailed and useful view into our peer review process, it is important to note that these files will not contain all the information Oct 24, 2022 · In this light, a journal’s “Decision in Process” status indicates that the editorial board is still currently considering your submission before they make a final decision. 2 days ago the status changed from Under Review to Decision in Process. :-) Incidentally, we wonder what would have happened with the earlier submission, although it was a while ago. Does peer review proceed without AE? Dec 17, 2024 · They will consider the latest version of the manuscript, as well as the completed peer review process. ” A week after my submission, the status became “Awaiting Final Decision. the manuscript is being reviewed by the reviewers. May 22, 2020 · I submitted a manuscript to an Elsevier journal on 6/05/2020. What does this mean and what is the probability of rejection? The status reviews completed was for one week and then it changed to with editor again for In Elsevier, particularly, before this happens, the status of the article shows Decision in Process. After a few days the status changed to under review and after 5 months the status changed to all essential reviews are complete and presently the status is final decision awaited. You should also consider the amount of time the journal editor needs for gathering all comments and final decision. The previous status is a little confusing though. ' I have heard from seniors that the EiC is only consulted for making acceptance-related decisions and that the AE gives [makes] other decisions. The online status was “Not Assigned” at the beginning. Why is it taking more than a month for desk rejection? Checking the status of your manuscript and helps to reinforce the validity of your research by displaying the thoroughness of the peer review process it has undergone. Finally, the Sep 26, 2021 · Hello. Oct 23, 2018 · I submitted my manuscript to an Elsevier journal on 13th April. The status (as usual) changed directly to "With editor" on the system and after 3 days, I received a notification in my email that my manuscript was assigned to an editor. g. Jan 24, 2021 · I submitted the second revision of a study to an Elsevier journal on November 11. Now it has been in 'Decision in Process' for more than 1 month. suddenly the status changed to "decision pending" and has been for two days. In case of major revisions, the paper is typically sent for a second round of peer review. Does that mean desk rejection, or is there a chance that it can still undergo the peer review process? The turnaround time (TAT) for this journal is 2. ” It implies that the reviews for your paper have come in and the editor can now make a decision on your paper. @Ijaz Durrani and @Jorge P. I have a paper submitted to a top journal, which got rejected for shitty reason, i. Your paper seems to be progressing through the Jan 5, 2021 · I had submitted a manuscript to a Springer journal. " In the past, I have submitted many articles to several journals and there has always been 4월 13일 엘스비어(Elsevier) 저널에 원고를 투고했습니다. But I believe it does not hurt to drop them an Email and ask them about the status of your paper. I am from the mathematics background. After major revision we have submitted the manuscript back and it went to with editor to under review after one day and to required reviews completed after 2 weeks and then again to under review after 1 day. Mar 6, 2023 · In fact, it is so nice to have such a quick review process. 이후 10월 19일에는 ‘Under editor Jul 10, 2023 · 6. On Taylor and Francis, I see that my paper passed the first screening, then it Checking the status of your manuscript and helps to reinforce the validity of your research by displaying the thoroughness of the peer review process it has undergone. May 30, 2020 · Hi Amal – welcome back to the forum! This question seems on similar lines to your earlier query, though the difference is that there, things moved to ‘Ready for Decision’ quite quickly, whereas here, they’ve moved slowly, but perhaps a bit more positively. " I am not able to understand the status of my paper. Also, ‘SAE’ perhaps stands for ‘Specialist Associate Editor. However, a manuscript can also be rejected after peer review. Sep 14, 2021 · Typically, a reviewer’s decision falls in four categories: acceptance without revision, acceptance after minor revision, acceptance after major revision, and rejection. it's not just an acceptance or rejection decision that is taken by the editor after peer review; even revise and resubmit decisions come within the scope of editorial decisions. My understanding is that the editor has made In such cases, the status might return to “Under Review. When a paper receives a minor revision decision, it might not be sent for a second round of peer review; usually, the editor goes through the revisions and Dec 17, 2024 · The Manuscript Status on ScholarOne displays “Waiting for Reviewers’ Scores” if one or more agreed reviewers have not submitted their scores. If you do not hear back in 2 weeks, I recommend that we write to the journal for a status check. And at the second time, the status changed to "decision in process". Thanks. It is a process by which experts evaluate scholarly works, and its objective is to ensure a high quality of published science. " The journal uses OJS Nov 16, 2024 · During the peer review process your article will show a status of ‘Under Review’. Is it possible that the manuscript is in Sep 29, 2014 · 2. The status became “Under Editor Evaluation” on Jan. Mar 3, 2022 · I submitted my manuscript more than a month ago. The status changed to 'Under review' for 3 weeks and then turned to 'Under Editor Evaluation' around Christmas. Mar 21, 2019 · At any good journal, the majority of manuscripts will be rejected in the first decision letter from the Editor, most without external peer review [2, 6, 18]. Aug 14, 2022 · Dear Author, Thank you for your question. May 8, 2020 · The ‘Decision in Process’ status after the ‘Required Review Completed’ status means that the associate editor (AE), who has been handling your manuscript all this time, has made a decision on your paper based on the Jun 19, 2020 · However, as they replied that it was ‘under review,’ to summarize, it probably means the journal did the peer review internally. " Mar 3, 2014 · Answer: In my opinion, this status means that the handling editor will make the final decision, basing on the referee report. The canonical journal workflow question may provide more detail if you wish. what does it mean? Jul 31, 2018 · If it is sent for peer review, the status changes to "Reviewers assigned" or "Under review. ’ Does this mean that it has not been sent for What is the meaning of "decision in process" status? Does "Under Review" mean that the paper has passed the editorial check? What does the status Jun 9, 2019 · The fact that the status of your manuscript had changed from “editor assigned” to “under review” indicates that your manuscript has cleared the initial screening and reviewers were invited to review your manuscript. An example of how the status date might change but the status remains as "decision in progress" is if the journal is set up so that the editorial board member makes a decision, the decision is forwarded to the editor-in-chief, and the editor-in Feb 5, 2022 · The status of the paper has since changed from "Under Review" to "Decision Pending", and recently, maybe 4 days ago, the status has changed to "Decision Pending Approval". The status, "Awaiting Decision" means that the manuscript is being processed. I am agitated. I thought some revision would be required, but the status was directly changed to “Decision in Process”. Does this mean my paper is likely to be rejected? I’m so anxious about this situation. 결정이 끝나면 편집자/심사자의 의견(comment)과 함께 심사총평(overall editorial decision)이 논문 투고자에게 통보된다. Last night, it suddenly changed to "decision in process" without being reviewed. It does not necessarily imply rejection, so you need not lose hope just Jan 10, 2023 · The status reviews completed was for one week and then it changed to with editor again for In Elsevier, particularly, before this happens, the status of the article shows Decision in Process. After two more days the status changed to "Under Review. After one month, today, my status changed from Required Review Completed - Decision in Process - With Editor. Decision made – notification imminent: The Action Editor has Nov 1, 2024 · Please note: Subtitles are available in Spanish, French and Mandarin. Nov 4, 2013 · The peer review process for journal publication is essentially a quality control mechanism. Instances of this decision are also rather rare. The status “under review” means that the reviewers had accepted the invitation and peer review process had begun. 다시 9월 28일 논문 상태는 ‘Under review’가 됐습니다. ” It means that your application is currently being looked at but that no decision has been made on it yet. Rather than a reject without reviewing (that is, a desk reject), it perhaps means that the editor is busy for various reasons or has certain challenges. Aug 31, 2019 · I have submitted a manuscript to a journal published by Elsevier and the status on the Elsevier Edoitorial System (EES) changed from "With editor" to "Decision in process" 5 days ago. What does this mean? Checking the status of your manuscript Decision in process: The handling editor has drafted a decision, PLOS may decline an appeal without review if: integrity concerns contribute to a rejection decision, or; the decision is connected to an issue involving multiple submissions or Jun 26, 2018 · Unfortunately, this seems to indicate that your paper will be desk rejected, that is rejected without peer review. Nov 16, 2024 · I have submitted a manuscript to a journal on September after few days the status changed to under review and after 5 months the it changed to all required reviews are completed and immediately to decision in process. If the status of manuscript changes to “Decision in process” without changing to “Under review,” it is clearly a desk rejection. This process has been repeated for 3 weeks and the current status is “Under Review” for the fourth time. Therefore, it has a high probability of being rejected. " In my experience, it should be "Under review", and then "Decision in progress" a few weeks later, right? We think we have completed 90% of required experiments and responded to every question of reviewers. Jun 11, 2018 · It means you won't waste time on a review process that is not likely to be favorable and you can move straight ahead to another journal. To be absolutely certain of this though, you could wait for the next status update (which could be a while) or you could mail the editor. however, for minor revisions, the editor often does not feel the need to send the paper to external reviewers again. If your status was "Under review" and then you are waiting for the editor's final decision, long waiting could be a good signal. Decisions on appeals are final without exception. and now after 40 days the status is still in that stage. How long this stage normally takes? is it too early to ask the Apr 2, 2024 · And manuscript status changed directly from "Under review" to "Decision in process. If you never resubmit your manuscript to that journal, then Mar 25, 2024 · The status “application under review” is neither good nor bad. What does this really imply? Jul 18, 2019 · Generally speaking, under review and in review mean the same, i. In your case, since the status has not changed to "Under review" after being "With editor," it means that the paper has not been sent for review. But if you get this status without under review status, then it is a desk reject or reject and resubmit Decision in process after under review. They promised that the review process will be expedited as it's unusual for a manuscript to have a "with editor" status for two weeks. In theory, I suppose it might have gone out for peer review and just been an unusually speed process, but in practice that is extremely unlikely. Jul 30, 2019 · At this stage, the status of the manuscript is “Editor assigned” or “With Editor. this status is not mentioned in Elsevier site! I'm confused about this statuses. Dec 5, 2018 · My submitted manuscript was showing 'With Editor' status for 20 days and it directly changed to 'Decision in Process' without 'Under Review'. The ‘decision in process’ status implies that your manuscript has passed through peer review and the editorial board is now making a decision. Is it a route to rejection or? Like in any other company. 20 Apr 23, 2020 · Because ‘Awaiting Reviewer Selection’ means that the manuscript passed the admin and/or Associate Editor (AE) check and was awaiting peer review. As the manuscript has gone for a peer review and then for a decision by the Editor-in-Chief (EiC), indicated by the ‘Decision in Oct 12, 2019 · However, if the "Under review" referred to the external peer review, you can be hopeful. If so, it seems to have gone from this decision to awaiting a decision by the Editor-in-Chief (EiC). 4 Under review I can only say the efficiency is too low. After major revision, two reviewers gave me minor revision (only change one word) and the editor was pleased to Aug 6, 2016 · Decision in Process: This means that the editor is now taking a decision on your paper based on the peer reviewer comments and his/her own opinion. If the paper clears this screening, it is sent out for peer review, and the status changes to "Reviewers assigned" or "Under review. Should I expect rejection? 1 year ago # QUOTE 0 Good 1 No Giod! Economist acc7. Instead, it has been sent to the Editor-in-chief for the final decision. I have got the same situation. What could it mean? Dec 14, 2015 · Dear Editor, Recently, the status of my revised manuscript in a Springer journal changed as follows: 09 Nov: Submitted to the Journal 11 Nov: under review 03 Dec: under review 05 Dec: Required reviews completed 11 Dec: Decision in process 12 Dec: With Editor. Again, on September 28, the status was ‘Under review’. On the 27th of June, the status changed to decision pending. Jul 29, 2019 · And manuscript status changed directly away "Under review" until "Decision in process. " However, if the editor feels that a manuscript does not match the scope or standards required by the journal, it is rejected without review and the status changes to "Decision in process" from "With Editor. Or the editor decided to terminate the review process on the strength of that one review. The status changed from "required review completed" to 3 days ago · How Long Does Decision in Process Take? The whole process of manuscript reviewing takes around 4-8 weeks, in my experience. ' Today it has changed to 'Decision in process'. It you believe that you had a good performance during the interviews and you are not hearing anything from the company after 3 business days, send an email asking if they have any update or if there is any Jul 14, 2020 · Answer: Such quick changes may mean a glitch, but given that it’s a Nature journal, that’s unlikely. Aug 26, 2020 · As about 40 days have passed from the time of the submission to the time of the status change, it probably means that your article has been sent for peer review. I can follow the process on two platforms Taylor and Francis' Author Dashboard and ScholarOne. Oct 31, 2017 · decision without allocating reviewers. – Dec 2, 2024 · If a reviewer requests changes to a completed review before the decision is sent to author, and you agree the changes should be made: Locate the submission in EM and select 'View Reviews and Comments' to open a popup window . Aug 3, 2023 · The length of the "Decision in Process" phase at PLoS ONE can range widely, taking anywhere from a few days to several weeks. Decision in Process: Jun 22, 2017 · Dear all, yesterday, I submitted my revised paper that had received a "major revision. Oct 6, 2016 · After ten more days i. :-) So, it probably means that the associate editor (AE), who handles the manuscript through the review and publication process, Oct 11, 2021 · Hi, I got a Major Revision from one of the Journals and I accordingly did all the necessary modifications and submitted it back. On the same day the status changes to "out for review" again. What does that mean? Does it mean the manuscript has Dec 19, 2019 · Once a revised paper is submitted, the editor can choose to send it for another round of peer review or review it himself/herself. Once the peer review process is completed the status of your manuscript changes to “Ready for decision. It does not necessarily imply rejection, so you need not lose hope just The time to receive a decision depends on how long it takes for the editor to assess the reviews. Please let me know the meaning of 'Decision in process. Now, after 35 days, the status has changed from With Editor to Decision Under Process. ” If the journal clears the initial screening, it is then sent out for peer review. ’ So, there may be some reason to hope. Later, on October 19, it was ‘Under editor evaluation’ and on October 22, ‘Decision in process’. Accept with minor revisions: Also known as conditional acceptance, this decision means that the paper requires minor changes for it to be accepted. Does it mean that the manuscript will be sent again for another May 25, 2020 · I submitted my paper in January. My paper went under review for a few months and two days ago the status changed to 'Under editor's evaluation. The statuses on submission portals change based on the journal's processes in real-time. As it has been only about two weeks since submission and given that AEs have many manuscripts – at many different stages of submission and review – to go through, you could expect to wait for a few weeks for the AE’s decision on your submission. On May 28, it was ‘Under review’. I submitted my paper to an Elsevier journal 5 weeks ago. Economist f3e1. The Editors have begun a decision in the system. The fact that the status changed from "Required Reviews Completed Mar 7, 2019 · The status “under review” means that the manuscript has cleared admin check and is now with the peer reviewers. One possible reason for the change could be that “under review” indicates that the reviewer has accepted the invitation to Dec 16, 2018 · Three weeks ago, I submitted a paper to a journal that has a reputation for a fast publication process. Actually I am not referring to the peer review process, it usually takes time, in fact, some editors after receiving the Nov 24, 2021 · Thank you for your question. Checking the status of your manuscript Decision in process: The handling editor has drafted a decision, PLOS may decline an appeal without review if: integrity concerns contribute to a rejection decision, or; the decision is connected to an issue involving multiple submissions or 5 days ago · Decision making is an essential skill that is crucial for success at every level of an organization. " Today the status was changed to "Decision in progress. ulep luxsu natk kgoyffc ggkdll lwsk pvnyk eaiukr ivygzdnz ciozyzg